Linux System
Class Outline and Materials

Part I: Basics

In this part, we follow Ryan's Linux Tutorial closely, with many extra interesting labs.

Lab Concepts Commands/Tools
taking a screenshot
displaying photos using text
command line basics scrot/geeqie/wget/asciiart
slightly editing photos files, navigation, and manual pages pcmanfm/cutycapt/tar/gimp
drawing vector graphics and math functions script and text editor inkscape/gnuplot/nano/geany
country neighborhood, following/followers, airline flights, recipe, bike assembly, primate family tree, ... graph theory 1, graph theory 2 graphviz
pictures in your phone wildcards adb/tar/zip
your home page permissions ssh/nano
finding big files
who logs in more often?
batch-converting photos
filters, piping, and redirection find/grep/sort/uniq/convert
man and its child less
life w/o a window manager
process management ps/top/kill/fg/bg
moving files around, compressing selected files, ... environment variables, math expressions, and command substitution
satellites of the solar system
dependency graph of big debian packages
regular expressions html2csv/perl

Part II: System Administration

In this part, we study a few selected sections from eTutorials' System Administration book, plus some other important things to know for a linux system administrator.


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