Linux System
Homeworks for remote students

Remote students must do these homeworks in order to demonstrate your knowledge of the Linux system and to get grades for this course.

Please record several short videos showing you doing something in GNU/Linux with verbal explanations as if you are creating a tutorial video. Try to use as many keywords or key phrases as possible, correctly, from the list at the end of this page. Your face must appear in the corner, roughly 1/8*1/8 to 1/6*1/6 of the total width*height, Speak slowly and emphatically whenever mentioning these keywords. For example, you could download a minion cartoon picture and use asciiart to convert it as colorful text, or converting color pictures to greyscale pictures and moving/copying them to different directories. Don't know where to begin? Try to follow my lab notes. Don't worry about the coherence, continuity, or teaching value of the videos. You just need to show me that you understand all these terms.

You are encouraged to create several short videos each covering a few keywords instead of a very long video covering all keywords. Try to do it piecemeal, for example by creating a 10 min minutes each week. Do not postpone, pile up, and imagine you could do it at the end of the semester in one shot.

You are encouraged to use my version of linux mint 20 (ulyana) ( direct download link to the directory containing all files) either as live CD or in Virtualbox. You can also use any other distribution of GNU/linux as you wish.

Create a folder in the google drive and share it with me. Upload your videos to the folder. For each video also upload a .csv file (comma separated values) corresponding to the video. It should contain two columns: time stamp when a keyword appears, and the keyword itself. For example:

0'56, terminal
0'58, bash
0'58, shell
1'05, command

Please refer to the collaboratory notebook (from the previous year) for the list of keywords/key phrases. The following is a shortened and incomplete version containing some of the most important of what I have covered in class up to now for this semester. This list will be updated and augmented as the class proceeds.

terminal, shell, bash,command line prompt,
command, option, argument/parameter,
directory, root directory, current working directory,
home directory, parent directory, child directory / subdirectory,
absolute path, relative path,
file type, file extension, file manager,
text editor, configuration file, hidden file,
environment variable,
command completion, file name completion,
globbing (wildcard characters),
permission, readable, writable, executable,
standart input, standart output, standard error,
input redirection, output redirection, pipe, filter,

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