Portable application for the OLPC XO

時間: 10/30 (四) 13:30-15:20
地點: 朝陽科技大學 T2 時選廳
講師: Hilaire Fernandes
翻譯: 洪朝貴
[Organization for Free Software in Education and Teaching]

The OLPC XO is a dedicated light and cost effective notebook for children and school. It comes with Sugar, a dedicated user interface. OLPC is recommending Python and Smalltalk as the programming language to develop end user applications for the XO. Developing software for XO is a nice way to support the OLPC initiative, but writing software is tedious, so you may want your application to still be platform neutral and run universally on GNU/Linux, Mac OSX, Windows. In these speech, I will expose how you can use Smalltalk to develop cost effectively portable end user application. We explain the steps involved and illustrate the statement with DrGeoII, an end user Smalltalk application for interactive geometry.