Fun with Smalltalk programming in Dr. Geo

時間: 10/31 (五) 13:30-17:20
地點: 國立政治大學 (志希樓 1F)
講師: Hilaire Fernandes
翻譯: 洪朝貴
[Organization for Free Software in Education and Teaching]

Dr. Geo is multi plateform interactive geometry software entirely written in Smalltalk. Interactive geometry software are the facto standard for mathematics teachers. Dr. Geo is a feature complete interactive geometry software. It allows one to create geometric figure plus the interactive manipulation of such figure in respect to its geometric constraints. It is usable in teaching situation with students from differents school levels. Dr. Geo comes with unique programming capabilities to extend the software and to let the user experiments programming. This workshop will explore step by step those capabilities.

Attachment: Dr. Geo II: "Smalltalk Interactive Geometry in School" ESUG 2008 Innovation Awards Technology

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