經常在 linuxtoday 上面讀到 Helios 的文章。 很犀利; 比我更兇, 但兇得很有道理, 讓人無法反駁。 我是小孬孬, 不敢翻譯成中文, 只把最精采的幾段, 和精采的留言摘要如下:

  • Many of us have told you of this miraculous operating system and have went as far as to offer to install it on your computer for you...free of charge. Many of our motives are far from altruistic. We're sick of cleaning up your messes.
  • There is however, a thin line between being a victim and being an idiot. If you do not know you have a choice and bad things happen to you, then you are a victim. If you know you have a choice and still insist on personally using a system over and over again that will ultimately lead to the same problems.... I think the description of idiot is fair.


  • When someone asks me to fix their messed up windows computer, I ask them if they are willing to learn a system that won't get messed up. If they say no, I hand them my card with a large "70.00 an hour" printed boldly on the back. If people are going to be stupid, I need to profit from it. 每當有人叫我幫他修理 windows 電腦時, 我就問他: 「你願不願意試著學用一套不容易爛掉的系統?」 如果他說不願意, 我就拿出我的名片, 背面寫著: 每小時70美元。 如果有人堅持耍笨, 我總得借此撈點好處。
  • I guess many people will feel "offended", but hey! if somebody finds out to be fairly an idiot... that kinda hurts. specially when you try to keep being the idiot, and now everybody knows because some guy made an article about it for everyone to see on the internet. especially the guy who "fixes" your pc every four months or so.

下次再被抓去處理 Windows 中毒當機問題時... 請讓對方選擇: 是要 (1) 您免費幫他安裝 Linux, (2) 付費請您修理 Windows, 還是要 (3) 讀 Helios 的文章 :-)

註一: (2) 與 (3) 其實並不互斥 :-)
註二: Helios 的文章, 談論的對象是履履中毒當機, 又找他人幫忙解決問題的人。 懂得自己處理這些問題的 Windows 用戶, 並不在該文討論之列。