jQuery Presentation Plugin, ckhung variant


Dump PowerPoint. Use html for your next presentation. You are reading the document for a "jquery presentation plugin" variant based on Trevor Davis's original work (thanks, Trevor!) and modified by ckhung. This modified version can be downloaded from here (instantly created tar ball). I added a feature so that the navigators and prev/next buttons appear only when the mouse moves into the header or footer div. Also, a page title is displayed when the mouse moves over the navigators. But I also made some changes that require an html text formatted slightly different from the original. (sorry!) Take a look at two examples using the ckhung variant:

  1. "My Presentations Live in the Cloud". This file is part of the ckhung variant tar ball download, and uses a css almost identical to the original one. It doesn't look too good because I have not tried hard to figure out what additional changes I should make in the css file in order to account for the effects of the changed code.
  2. "Tux USB Key as a 20g notebook computer" (in Traditional Chinese). This one uses my own set of css files and looks better. You have to download the extra css files manually. Note the magnifying effect of the 3 pictures at the end of the presentation. The jquery magnifier plugin works perfectly with the presentation plugin.

I recommend using the first sample file example.html and the accompanying css file as a starting point, and read the top of the two .js files if you would like to learn more options.

Traditional Chinese

還在用 PowerPoint 嗎? 太落伍啦。 現在流行: 簡報在雲端。 這份文件是 "jquery presentation plugin" ckhung 修改版的說明。 原始版 由 Trevor Davis 所創作 (謝啦, Trevor!); 這個版本則由我 ckhung 修改。 ckhung 改良版的下載點在 這裡 (即時打包)。 我做了一點小改進, 讓換頁的按鈕變成 「滑鼠移到 header 或 footer 時才跳出來」。 此外, 當滑鼠移到數字換頁按鈕上方時, 會顯示該頁標題。 順便也胡亂改了一些東西, 以致 html 簡報檔的格式與原始版有些不同。 (抱歉!) 請體驗一下 ckhung 改良版的兩個範例:

  1. 「Upload Your Presentation To the Cloud」 這個範例收錄於下載打包檔案內, 套用 (近乎) 原始版的 css。 因為改過程式碼之後, 影響到畫面, 而我又沒很認真地研究他的 css, 所以這個例子長得有點醜。
  2. 「20 公克筆電的遐想」 這個範例套用我自己慣用的 css; 請檢視原始碼, 自行額外下載幾個 css 檔。 請注意最後一頁的三個圖 -- 套用了 jquery magnifier 外掛, 圖片可以縮放。 兩個外掛套件的完美組合。

建議下載 ckhung 改良版, 然後拿第一個範例當樣版, 修改 html 檔及近乎原始版的 css 檔, 變成你自己的簡報。 更多細節請見兩個 .js 檔的最前面幾列。