Home Page of Greg Chao-Kuei Hung

I started using and advocating Free/Libre/Open Source Software since mid 1990s. Later I realized that FLOSS derives its power from the Internet. That brought me to OpenStreetMap and the attention economy.

The creative people built the Internet and many technologies on top of it, but the public are most often attracted to the more polished and restrictive versions of these technologies created by entities that manipulate and control their customers -- such Apple and Microsoft. As an educator and social movement worker, I have been trying to bring awareness to the general public. Most of my work are written in zh_TW, including a blog talking about privacy, freedom of speech, and other rights related to ICT and/or those threatened by non-free software, plurk short messages of the same theme, and another blog sharing funs I have on my GNU/Linux computers. Most often I search, collect, and summarize info from the English world into zh_TW.

I write short codes and small projects from time to time. Some of my favorites are scatplot, potluckmap, and algotutor (obsolete).

Occasionally I also write English articles when I have something to share to the world for which I find no existing English articles through google. For example, I have several tutorials for Dr. Geo including examples such as parabolic trajectory, Hermitian matrix, Lorentz Transform. Lately I have started writing English article at medium.

My advocacy articles in English are also scattered around. There are two listings from my blogspot and OFSET blogs. Some of them are translated into French and/or Spanish, e.g. DRM and Other Forces Overriding the Three Laws of Robotics.

Most of my academic articles are also of advocacy flavor. Recent such publications in English include:

  1. Is Software Property? The Missing Half of the Property Metaphor and Other Better Alternatives

My PhD Thesis from the Computer Science Department of University of Southern California, however, is all about geometry: Convex Hull of Surface Patches: Construction and Applications.

Towards the end of my full-time teaching job, I mostly teach courses in English to our international students in Chaoyang University of Technology. These include visualization, DBMS, data structures, free software and computer security, javascript, etc.

Contact can be made by e-mail: ckhung at cyut,edu,tw (replace comma by dot), mastodon, or plurk.

The zh_TW version of my homepage is better maintained and has much richer content.