Linux System
Important Notes for Remote Students

  1. Please bookmark the homepage for this course
  2. Please visit Greg's Class at least once a week to see news/announcement about this course. Only items tagged "%linux" are relevant. The rest can be ignored. Please register a plurk account in order to leave public comments. For private questions and messages, please use e-mail (see below). For browsing, you don't need to login.
  3. (Mandatory!) Please send me Greg's e-mail an email before Oct 2, 23:59 GMT+8, including your name, student ID, and a brief description of the computer you can use. (e.g. bought in year ??, running windows version ??, with memory/RAM ??G)
  4. Class recordings are available here. These recordings are somewhat useful but not optimal for remote learning. I cannot do both well simultaneously. So you are advised to skim through the contents and google related keywords for better understanding. Remember to ask me (ckhung @ 朝陽科技大學 dot edu dot tw) questions whenever you get stuck.

List of homeworks to do

  1. Homework 1

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